The walls of the houses are bricked and the floor coverings are concreted
According to the work schedule, the construction works of the new housing and the implementation of the project are purposefully implemented every day and move to the next level. After the concreting of the foundations, work was started on the masonry of the walls of long-lasting structures with high strength 5 Mpa Bauroc HARD aerated concrete blocks.
Ilgtspējīgo mājokļu sienas ir veidotas no 1.kategorijas blokiem ar vislielāko spiedes izturību starp Bauroc izstrādājumiem. The walls of sustainable housing are made of 1st category blocks with the highest compressive strength among Bauroc products. Using Doka Latvia latest technology formwork #Dokaflex solution, a monolithic reinforced concrete cover was built, as a result of which the first floor stage of the building frame was completed.
Then the work is continued at the next level. When starting the masonry of the walls of the second floor, the window openings were prepared and expanded clay concrete covers were installed. Currently, the walls of the second floor are being completed before the construction of the monolithic reinforced concrete cover.
The 1st phase of the project with seven dwellings is expected to be put into operation in the middle of 2024.
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